Dynamic Modelling with Modelica and FMI (EN) Online 30.06.-01.07.25


2 days (9:00-17:00 CET)

14 in stock

SKU: S2025.06.30.Online_Modelica.EN Category: Tags: ,


Please note: Previous experience in PowerFactory basics and some experience in handling of PowerFactory time domain simulation functions, or attendance at an introductory course, is essential. The Self E-Learning course Introductory Course: Load Flow and Short Circuit Calculation, for example, can be used to acquire the necessary basic knowledge and the Introductory Course: Time Domain Simulation, can be used to acquire the necessary basic knowledge on time domain simulations.

PDF with Training Content

The Dynamic Modelling with Modelica and FMI course provides an introduction to the development, integration and use of Modelica and FMI models within a power system model using PowerFactory. Special emphasis is placed on power system components operating with discrete and sampled data based digital controls, especially for Inverter Based Resources (IBR). The following topics are covered:

  • Introduction to Modelica as modelling environment for discrete models
  • Development and integration of models for digital controls
  • The Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI) and usage of external models

Each topic above includes a theoretical background and a practical part where participants acquire hands-on experience in the use of PowerFactory.

Important hint: This training will be held for PowerFactory 2025. Older versions may have a different structure in the menus or do not yet have some of the functions presented.